Lee, Amy, Lilia and Kaiser

Gotta have a little faith

January 27, 2011

We are leaving for Ethiopia in 2 days!!  I can't believe it!  Lee and I, Lilia and my mom will be holding our baby Monday morning!!
The last 2 weeks have been trying and extremely emotional.  We bought our tickets and ever since then it has been a faith walk, hit with delay after delay and snag after snag.  Our paperwork was supposed to be submitted to the US embassy on the 19th.  It wasn't ready, so then it was supposed to be submitted the 26th.  Again, not ready.  We were hoping it would be submitted the 26th and then we would hear in Ethiopia that we were cleared!  However, that is not going to happen.  Hopefully, it WILL be submitted next Wed. while we are in Ethiopia.  My family will all come home on the 5th and I will stay there.  We have no idea for how long.  If we are submitted the 2nd, we could be cleared as early as the 9th and might have an embassy appointment the next day.  If it is longer, we don't know how long that will be.  I will stay until we know and if it seems like it will be longer than about 3-4 weeks, I will come home without him and wait until we are cleared.  I just can't imagine having to leave him twice.  Pray that doesn't happen.
We are waiting on a clearance letter from Ethiopia, who is backed up in work, and behind.  Just give us the clearance, please!!!  We will visit our sweet son every day, but we are not going to take him with us to the hotel.  We could, but once we do that, we cannot take him back to the transition home for any reason.  If it is going to be a 3 month delay, I will have to come home.
The hardest part for me is my little girl.  I don't want to leave her.  She needs her mama and I need her.  I can't imagine leaving her for a month and I can't imagine what will be going through her little mind when I am not there for all that time.  Just pray for favor with the US embassy and for the Ethiopian people to get our clearance quickly.  Our little guy has spent too much of his life without us already.
As far as Kaiser, he is as cute as can be.  We got new pictures of him and he is the same sweetness as when we were there.  I can't wait to introduce him to his big sister and see what she is like with a little brother.  We have been talking about him for so long that it is hard to believe it is finally here.
We leave Saturday and arrive in Ethiopia Monday morning.  My sister will be posting on the blog for me and hopefully posting some pictures of our trip.
We could use all the prayers you can muster up.  Thanks so much!!
Ethiopia, here we come!

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